Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Once more into the breach . . .

Well, Dar and I are having drainage problems--on my first night free from high school soccer, we had to take everything out of the freezer and most everything out of the refrig because a piece of a package was blocking the automatic defrost drain in the freezer. This caused the water to back up and drip onto stuff we had in the refrigerator section. A search on the Internet and a phone call to her Dad clued us in on what it could be enough so that we are somewhat confident that we took care of the problem.

So in the past month we have had the kitchen sink/dishwasher/washing machine plumbing fiasco and a stopped up refrigerator. I know that couples that do things together tend to stay together but I sure would like to find a few alternative activities.

My work on my capstone project is still sorta taking baby steps. I have a program, Coalesys's Panel Bar Studio, that I am going to use to create the navigational menu bar. You can really do some cool stuff with it but it took me awhile (longer than I would like to admit) to get all the bugs out and figure out how to get it to work. You can see my test menu out here. It has been fun but now I think I need to get going on the main sections of the project, the M.A.N.N.A Web site.

Darcie and I have also been enjoying a birthday gift I received from her parents. They bought me the whole first year of West Wing episodes along with some added features on DVD. It is really cool to watch them without commercials and fill in some of the holes of the story line for shows that we missed for one reason or another. We both really love the writing of the show--the dialogue more than the story or plot. Being the nerds we are, Dar and I enjoy the quick interchanges between characters and the rhythm of the show's action.

Well, time to go . . .

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

The Return of the Queen

MOM'S BACK! The family is hitting on all cylinders again even through the super cold weather we have been having.

Dar and I found out yesterday that one of her cousins is having twins--a boy and a girl. They already have a baby that is less than a year old. It is possible that they will have three children under the age of one or right around there. MAN--Dar and I would be checking ourselves into the nearest mental facility but the cousin and her husband will be able to handle it. The extended family is already attempting to organize support staff and logistical strategies. Good ole' kind-hearted but detail-oriented Germans.

I found out over the weekend that Reed's "original sin" has already starting showing up in her ability to mislead or cover up her actions. I walked by her room while she was suppose to be napping; the door was cracked open enough for me to be able to see through the hinged area. She was sitting up brushing her hair and playing with one of her many dolls. As I took another step towards the door, the floor creaked loud enough for her to hear and she immediately dove down on her side and put her head against her pillow. I stood there for a few more seconds and she played the perfect opossum--laying still and quiet until the "coast was clear." I have to admit she gets it honestly--I remember doing that more than I care to think about and found it more than a little funny how habits, good and bad, are passed genetically along.

Friday, January 16, 2004

Daddy and Reed Weekend (and Aunt Kayla)

well, as it always seems to happen, reed and i had a pretty fun and easy time last night.
darcie is away with some friends working in knoxville, tn. so that means that reed and i
are on our own. i don't know if reed subconsciously knows that i need some help or that
it is just so different for us to be alone together that she doesn't really know what to expect,
but i usually have an easy go of it.

she went to bed without much trouble last night. she didn't do her usual getting out of bed
four or five times. maybe it helped letting her run around the soccer field during practice.
she certainly gobbled down the nutritious supper i prepared (mcnuggets), played in a relaxing
bath, and then let me brush her teeth and give her medicine without any big meltdowns or fits.
i know the weekend isn't over but i have a feeling that is still going to go pretty well since her
aunt kayla is coming to visit, play, and reload with our goody basket for her college apartment.
reed LOVES her aunt kayla! like any good aunt, she has a tremendous amount of energy and
almost the same mindset and interests as reed. kayla's limited mental abilities led her to choose
Mississippi State and social work as a major-- ;-).

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Part II: Today is the second posting--but not anymore exciting than the first.
Welcome to my world. I hope at times that it proves worthy of reading--or at least the energy it takes for you to click your way to this page.